Set your calendar to turn off Facebook’s social plugins

Abdul Rastagar
1 min readDec 27, 2014


Once again, I find myself having to adjust my Facebook privacy setting and re-re-re-reviewing all of my privacy settings. I’ve done this numerous times over the years. It seems as though each time I audit my Facebook profile, I encounter some setting or another that I’ve disabled in the past, only to find it active again. This time, it was my social plugins.

Here’s a quick reminder of how to do it:

  1. go to Privacy Settings (you may have to go into “more settings)
  2. on the left bar, choose Apps
  3. edit your settings on Apps, Websites and Plugins
  4. set your calendar to remind you to do this again next week…

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I’m Abdul. My heart belongs to my family, but my opinions are mine alone.

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Abdul Rastagar

I’m Abdul, a B2B marketer, a fierce customer advocate and future enthusiast, and all-around curious guy. Please connect with me